Develop .NET Framework Apps with Windows Server Core Containers and .NET Core with Linux Containers with the productivity you'd expect...
DevOps is a wonderful thing. With it comes better collaboration across teams for early feedback in the development cycle, joint...
Announcing .NET Core tools are 1.0! Check out the changes in .NET Core tooling such as csproj and the new...
Visual Studio 2017 aims to make C# development more pleasant and productive than ever. Kasey and Mads take you on...
Learn about the available table storage options for Azure SQL Data Warehouse. One month free trial for SQLDW, simply use...
Learn how application developers can use Power BI Embedded, an Azure service, to quickly embed stunning, fully interactive reports and...
Learn about the available table storage options for Azure SQL Data Warehouse. One month free trial for SQLDW, simply use...
Engineering leaders at Microsoft talk about the evolution of developer tools and services in a cloud-first, mobile-first world. Panel speakers...
Visual Studio Code is a lightweight, open source code editor that's blazing a new trail in the world of editors....
In this video, we go over some of the exciting new features in ASP.NET Core 1.1. Learn about ASP.NET Core...
See how you can add contextual analytics to your application by using the new Power BI client JavaScript API. With...
Visual Studio for Mac is a new member of the Visual Studio family for mobile-first, cloud-first development. This video preview...
Visual Studio 2017 comes loaded with many features to help you be even more productive when building great desktop apps....
In this brief overview, we present some of the new productivity features to come for Microsoft .NET in Visual Studio...
Microsoft .NET Core 1.1 includes support for additional Linux distributions, has many updates, and is the first Current release. Watch...
Getting READY with lot of coffee for the big night :p Join me at :