December 13, 2024

SamTech 365

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SharePoint PowerShell – Extract a list of all Site collections to a .csv file

Currently conducting a SharePoint Security audit project, I thought others might benefit from a series of PowerShell scripts that allow you to extract useful insights and details regarding your SharePoint online.

The first script is a simple PowerShell script that enables you to export a list of all your SharePoint site collections to a .csv file.

The extract contains the following details:

  • Site URL
  • Storage Usage
  • Admins
  • Is Connected to Teams: A boolean value which distinguishes Teams Sites VS SharePoint Sites
  • Teams Channel Type (if applicable)
  • Site Title
  • Site Template
  • M365 Group ID
  • Number of subsites.
#Connect to Admin Center
Connect-SPOService -Url ""
#Get All site collections
$SiteCollections = Get-SPOSite -Limit All
$SiteReport = @()
#Iterate through each site
ForEach ($site in $siteCollections) {
    # Generate a report of site collection properties
    $siteReport += [PSCustomObject]@{
        URL = $Site.Url
        StorageUsage = $Site.StorageUsageCurrent
        Admins= $Site.Owner
        IsConnectedToTeams = $Site.IsTeamsConnected
$SiteReport | Export-Csv -Path "C:\SPAudit\SiteCollections.csv" -NoTypeInformation