July 27, 2024

SamTech 365

PowerPlatform, Power Apps, Power Automate, PVA, SharePoint, C#, .Net, SQL, Azure News, Tips ….etc

Backup and Restore SharePoint 2013 site collection using PowerShell

If you want to take backup/restore your site collection in SharePoint, we can do with PowerShell Commands.
Backup site collection in SharePoint using PowerShell
Backup-spsite  -Identity sitecollectionname  -path location to store the back up
Backup-spsite  -Identity http://yousharepointsitecoll  -path C:\TestBackup.bak
Restore site collection in SharePoint using PowerShell
Restore-SPSite -Identity create new site collection -path location to restore the back up
Restore-SPSite -Identity http://CreatNewSiteCollection -path C:\TestBackup.bak
Thanks to : DotNetSharePoint.
If you want to take backup/restore your site collection in SharePoint, we can do with PowerShell Commands.
Backup site collection in SharePoint using PowerShell
Backup-spsite  -Identity sitecollectionname  -path location to store the back up
Backup-spsite  -Identity http://yousharepointsitecoll  -path C:\TestBackup.bak
Restore site collection in SharePoint using PowerShell
Restore-SPSite -Identity create new site collection -path location to restore the back up
Restore-SPSite -Identity http://CreatNewSiteCollection -path C:\TestBackup.bak
Thanks to : DotNetSharePoint.