Content and Media Editor WebPart not available in O365

In this article, I will disuss the issue related to the fact that Microsoft disabled ‘By Default’ the content and media editor in Office 365.
The good news, is that you can activate it back, if you have site collection administrator privileges.
The bad news or just my suspession, is that Microsoft will kill this web part for SharePoint 2019. The reason why I think this will be done, is that Microsoft is trying to limit or avoid code injection in the pages.
I used to use SP.JS to do pretty much anything i needed, now, when I see this being deactivated out of the box, I think, Microsoft is trying to push you toward SPFx, which I agree, gives more capabilities and better code.
It might be still available for backward compatibility. So my advise, try to stay away from it if possible, to avoid re-writting your code in the future.
So for the moment, let’s look at how you can re-enable it.
- From the site collection features, enable the ‘SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure‘.
2. And on the site where you need the Content and Media editor web part, enable the ‘SharePoint Server Publishing‘ feature.
3. The final configuration you need to make, is to enable custom code, from the SharePoint admin interface.
These three steps should bring back to life the lovely Content and Media editor web part.