From BlueScreen to Funny error messages

From BlueScreen to Funny error messages
Today, I came across an error while working with Microsoft Teams, something usual, just Teams not being able to connect.
I’ve never had to look at the error message in details or even bother about what it says, as I knew exactly what was going on.
Today, I concentrated on this message, and I had a flash back of the old boring, scary Blue Screen, you remember it right.
I though Microsoft has done really a good job in term of User experience.
The bluescreen message which did not mean anything for most of us rather than (shit, something went wrong), I was always wondering why the memory details where on the screen, does anyone really troubleshoot the data in the ram ? It is volatile, what is the point ?? I ended up accepting the response that , the blue screen was for MS developers and they used it for debugging. Why was is in the final product.
Anyway, thank god, these days are waaaay behind us.
Today, in Microsoft Teams, the Error message says :
“Oh my! Looks like someone pulled the plug on the Internet. Or you’re just temporarily disconnected. ”
What a nice and gentle way of displaying an error message, I just smiled and carried on, it did not even bother me.
That’s the power of the UI.
Thanks Microsoft.