July 27, 2024

SamTech 365

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PowerPlatform Custom Connector for Chat GPT – M365 & Power Platform Dev Community Call

Date: 08-06-2023 | M365 & Power Platform Dev Community Call | Online

Link to the session: https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Community-Calls-Conversations/June-8-Demo-Power-Platform-Custom-Connector-for-Chat-GPT/m-p/2185356#M96

create a connector and use it in a Power App in less than 15 minutes. In this two-phase demo, create and configure a custom Power Platform connector (open template, set authentication, add OpenAPI key, define an action and test) and in Phase 2 – use connector in a Power Apps. Create a simple canvas app, add connector, add call to access OpenAI via connector.


Detailed Step by step demo: https://samtech365.com/power-platform-chatgpt-custom-connector/




Session Recording