PowerShell (Part 3) – Setting up your environment for Office365

In order to start using PowerShell for Office365 Admin tasks, you need to following :
- Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant for IT Professionals RTW, which can be downloaded from –> https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=41950
Or you can also install the module directly from PowerShell as follow:
Install-Module MSOnline
- You need to have Office365 Administrator Rights.
- A 64-bit machine
- At least Windows 7 SP1+ or Windows Server 2008R2+
Once you have installed the pre-requisites, you need to
1- Import the module into PowerShell
For this, simply type:
Import-Module MSOnline
2- Get Connection Credentials
In order to create a credential object, we can do:
$cred= Get-Credential
Once you run this command, you will be prompted to enter your username and password. Please be aware that at this stage there is no validation of the username and password.
3- Establish Connection
Now, to connect to your tenant, just type:
Connect-MsolService -Credential $cred
Note that we pass the $cred object which contains the username and password supplied in the previous step.
If the connection is successful, you won’t see any output.
4- List all users in your tenant
In order to test that we are properly connected to our tenant, we can simply list all the users by doing :
Which will output a table of PrincipalName, DisplayName and isLicensed boolean.