January 17, 2025

SamTech 365

PowerPlatform, Power Apps, Power Automate, PVA, SharePoint, C#, .Net, SQL, Azure News, Tips ….etc

ESPC 2019 | The Hit list of development tools for Office 365

The developer tools kit as it is now is a lot to have under the hood, for developers this can be overwhelming, especially trying to keep up to date with all these technologies: SharePoinrt, SPFx, Graph, Azure (functions, AAD, Key Vault …etc), Power Apps, Power Automate Solutions, Teams Dev …etc.

As a developer, things keep changing, new functionnalities, and new limitations.

SharePoint —> Provisioning service, SPFx,

Teams —> ShartePoint Teams integration, the posssibility to add a react app in teams.

Power Apps. —> New components, reponsive apps,changes in the licencing model,

Graph – -> Teams Provision API,m Security Apis, More app-only support


GRAPH , should be at the core of the developer toolkit.

The problem with Graph Explorer, is that Graph Explorer can’t use your own AAD app registration adn permissions.

The solution is to use postman with your AAD app reg.

The other issue after resolving the Graph integration is the fact that the result is always in JSON, so the idea is to code against interfaces.

Chris O’Brien gave a great talk about some techniques regarding how to do things rights, mainly around assuring the security of your custom code and the overall safety of your tenant.

I will be uploading the slides in the next couple of days.